State is published four times annually for donors and members of the Illinois State University Alumni Association at Alumni Center, 1101 N. Main Street, Normal, Illinois 61790-3100. Periodicals postage paid at Normal, Illinois, and at additional mailing offices.

Magazine editorial offices are located at 1101 N. Main Street, Normal, Illinois 61790-3100; telephone (309) 438-2667; email Postmaster: Send address changes to Illinois State, Illinois State University, Campus Box 8000, Normal, IL 61790-8000.

Material may be reprinted with prior approval, provided no commercial endorsement is implied and credit is given to the author, to Illinois State University, and to State.

Magazine staff

Matt Wing

Alumni editor
Rachel Kobus ’09, M.S. ’11

Lead designers
Dave Jorgensen, M.S. ’03
Michael Mahle

Jeff Higgerson ’92
Lawrence Lair
Sean Thornton ’00, M.S. ’17 ’22
Evan Walles ’06

Shea Grehan ’20
Tyler Mardis ’24

Production coordinator
Tracy Widergren ’03, M.S. ’15

Kate Arthur
Isabel Crabtree
Emily Deppermann ’20, M.S. ’23
John Moody
Emmalynne Shumard ’24
John Twork, M.S. ’12